ada---line's site

Welcome to my web---site!

They taught a rock to think and now I have to tell it what to say :/

Hi I'm Adaline, this is where I post things (easier than making new instagram accounts for each of my hobbies). This better not be a gateway drug to Linux. Learning HTML as I go!

To-Do List

Find Me


  • 2024/08/24
    Got past CSP.... now i need to get past CORS why do i need a proxy server

  • 2024/08/22
    Woah updates scroll now (ty Lucah :3)

  • 2024/08/22
    Gaming tab! (I caved and am now running js)

  • 2024/08/19
    Python analysis codes uploaded to science

  • 2024/08/19
    Quicksand is such a good font

  • 2024/08/19
    Page specific icons + names teehee

  • 2024/08/19
    New WritChal layout + directory + styling

  • 2024/08/19
    More (old) sewing projects added

  • 2024/08/14
    New title font + site title + dad's bday!

  • 2024/08/12
    Updated sewing to reflect site layout

  • 2024/08/12
    Baby's First WritChal !

  • 2024/08/10
    NileRed Maxxing (I have an at-home chemistry setup now)

  • 2024/07/29
    Song of the Day Widget Added

  • 2024/07/29
    Updated Science page !

  • 2024/07/29
    Oh No Back to Work
    (its been so long)