Fun Sewing Projects~

U can also find me @sewingwithadaline on Instant-gram

My Sewing Projects

Pet Portraits

  Say hi to Goober (right) and Ponyo (left)! These are my friend Ainsley's kitties they are so precious and I love them. As such, I had to immortalize them in felt (yes i know felt will disintegrate but its probably plastic so it'll take a few millenia). These were the first pet portraits I made! Working with felt as a medium was super fun and I've done multiple portraits of other pets since then ! If you want a felt portrait of YOUR pet, message me on Instant-gram! I cannot promise it will be done in any reasonable amount of time but it'll go on my to-do list :P I also need to buy more frames ..... many logistical things to logic about.

Wide Leg Pants

  I made these ! From Scratch! Myself! It was really hard and took like 3 consecutive days of effort. I had to print like 40 pages of paper for the pattern I am so sorry trees :'< It was really fun working from scratch for the first time from printing, cutting, and assembling the pattern to actually putting the pieces of fabric together and obtaining an even deeper understanding for how they fit to make the clothes you (yes you) wear. The fabric kinda sucks though I need to remake them with something nicer but I haven't found any reasonably priced stuff yet. please value village :sob: Maybe I'll cave and go to a fabric store and spend way more money than I need to. Cloth is surprisingly expensive I don't know how people do it no wonder retail clothing is pricey.

Chain Back Shirt

  This one was sooo much fun I had to borrow my friend Red's grommet thingamajig to actually get the grommets in. Replacing soft fabric with something like metal is such an interesting concept to me because while the material itself is less forgiving, this modification actaully makes the shirt more flexible because the loose chains ultimately have more give. It has fallen apart some since I made it and I can't decide whether to cannibalize it to get the chains back or to fix it up and wear it again. Lost my mind a little putting it together, like I said, metal is not very forgiving. Hmm I do kinda want to fix it because it was really popular the one time I did wear it (what can I say)

Sheer Jacket Panel

  This was my first ever creative sewing project! It was done very hastily and poorly but it still turned out well I think. I thrifted the jacket and the sheer fabric, dyed the jacket black (turned out a really nice grey), and then cut out the back section of the jacket and replaced it. Overall a pretty easy project inspired by some similar work I'd seen on Instagram. I love being able to look at something that someone's done and going 'I can do that too!' and then doing it. Very satisfying very cool, and a lot cheaper than buying something like this. I've drastically improved my skills and my repertoire of tools since I made this so I think I could do a much better job if I wanted to make a second one.

Do YOU Want a Pet Portrait?

To-Do List